How To: Bleach Bare & Natural Bundles

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We created a video to show you the proper way to test and bleach your Bare & Natural hair bundles using different levels of developer. Feel free to stop, save and rewatch to make sure you get it right. Testing your hair before bleaching or dying a whole bundle can save you time, money and disappointment.

Supplies Needed:

  • Unprocessed Bare & Natural Hair
  • Bleaching Powder
  • Development Cream
  • Mixing Bowl
  • Brushes
  • Foil
  • Blow Dryer
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner

The Process:

Step 1: Choose the proper developer according to the final result you are trying to achieve. 40 Vol. developer rarely should be the first developer used, unless a professional is processing the hair. The higher the developer number the faster the hair will be lifted, as well as damaged.

Step 2: Mix Developer with bleach until the consistency is smooth. As a rule of thumb, if liquid bleach is used, a liquid developer should be used as well. If powdered bleach has been used a cream based developer should be used.

Step 3: Apply the bleach according to the dye pattern that is desired. The first hair to touch the bleach will be the lightest after rinsing, apply the bleach accordingly.

Step 4: Allow the hair to develop/ process with the bleach. Foil sheets can be used to expedite the process. Be sure to check periodically to ensure the hair is not over processed.

Step 5: Thoroughly rinse the hair with a neutralizing shampoo. For more of an ashy blonde look, purple shampoo is recommended.

Step 6: Repeat the process for a double processing/ higher lift. Or allow the hair to dry completely before installation.

Natural and unprocessed hair is the only hair that should be bleached, all other processed hair has been designed to maintain the original color. Check out our complete Bare & Natural Collection to find hair that you can trust to perform.

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