Winning The Fight With Your Edges

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Let’s be honest sometimes we neglect our natural hair under all of our wigs, weaves, and protective styles. That is until we start to see a thinning hairline caused by tension, heat, and continuous stress on our delicate strands. Ladies, we should not be sacrificing the health of our hair for the “snatched” look that is poppin’ on the ‘Gram, let’s band together and take back our edges one baby hair at a time.

Let’s go over a few causes of hair thinning. Thinning edges can be a result of many different issues. Here are a few of the major culprits that could be causing your hair to thin.

Hairstyle choices play a big role in thining edges. Wearing the same hairstyles each day can cause stress tension especially if those hairstyles are too tight or styled in the same place on the head. Buns and ponytails of natural hair can pull the hair follicles in the same direction at the root. This continued stress can weaken the hair over time and lead to thinning edges.

A lack of proper scalp care is another leading cause of thinning edges. Proper scalp maintenance is imperative, to make sure that your hair is not weighted down or hindered from growing. To start the stimulation of blood flow to the area, daily messages using an oil of your choice.

Back away from the brushes and edge control, over styling your edges can be doing the most harm. By constantly brushing and stressing your edges you may be harming the delicate perimeter hairs. Edge control can also clog your pores making hair growth nearly impossible, not to mention you could be causing pimple breakouts.

In the case of thinning edges, less is more. Less stress, less product, and minimal styling could just save your edges.



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